How to Find Condos Near DLSU – Taft College Guide

How to Find Condos Near DLSU – Taft College Guide

Dormy Team

July 19, 2024

Welcome to the Big 4, young archer! Congrats on finishing strong in the DCAT, now it’s time to convince your parents to let you stay in the heavily urbanized world of Taft Avenue.

Transport around Taft is arduous and tiring, and so most Lasallians would prefer to stay in nearby condos. Unlike the University Belt world of UST and FEU however, DLSU follows a super condo-centric environment. It’s a tad bit more expensive, but roommate matching is key.

Now, here are three proven ways on how you can search for dorms and condos near DLSU.

DLSU Student Organizations

Every year, as soon as the DLSU College Admission Test (DCAT) results are out, a new group called “DLSU Freshies <Insert School Year Here>” usually gets created. This is typically moderated by the University Student Government, and so stay tuned for updates on their Facebook page at DLSU USG.

Lasallians tend to refer to fresh archer blood as “Frosh” — and in previous years, the DLSU Council of Student Organizations have launched their “Frosh Welcoming” events. This typically includes the widespread sharing of information on where to rent.

Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups is the most common way to find rooms for rent in the Philippines. However, be wary of scams, because groups don’t have stringent moderation methods like other property listing websites.

Search for terms like “CONDO FOR RENT DLSU” and you’re sure to find a group that fits your needs. Read our guidelines on How to Avoid Rental Scams to stay ahead of the curve.

Find Condos with Dormy PH

This is a straight-up plug, because Dormy PH has been partnering with DLSU student organizations since 2022 to provide housing options in Frosh Welcoming Activities.

Just visit and begin searching for rentals with key search words “Taft” and “DLSU”

Fun Fact: Two of Dormy’s co-founders are from DLSU, they’ve faced the same problem as you, that’s why we built Dormy PH

In Conclusion

Experiencing the Manila life is one of the bucket-list moments in college living. It’ll be a wild ride for sure, but we’re always here to help — starting with connecting you to the best rentals in the area.

Other communities such as r/RentPH and r/dlsu on Reddit are common ways on how you can connect with the solo living community. We know how tough it is to begin living away from home, but as once college students ourselves, I assure you — it’ll be fun, and you’ll make the best college memories with your newfound independence.

Animo La Salle!

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